
みなくち日本語教室                            Minakuchi Japanese Language School

完全プライベートレッスン!                          We have private lessons only!

日本語がわからなくて困っていませんか?                      もっと日本語を使ってみませんか?                        完全プライベートでそれぞれのレベル、目的に合わせたレッスンを提供しています。


Don’t you have any problems in your daily life?                  Don’t you want to learn Japanese language more?                 We can provide the most suitable lessons which you can make your daily life easier. Also, we can give you private lessons which you can prepare for JLPT, Japanese Languge Proficiency Test!                               Let’s study Japanese language with us!

★Lessons &Fee★                               <One lesson/One hour ¥2,000 >                                Basic Japanese (日本語基礎)

Japanese from Zero (ゼロからの日本語)

Japanese for Daily life  (生活の日本語)

Business Japanese  (ビジネス日本語)        

<One lesson/One hour ¥3,000>                      Training for JLPT(日本語能力検定試験対策)

★Lesson time★                             Weekday (Monday -Friday) 09:00-16:00  by-appointment-only

TEL:0748-62-1161 e-mail: mina-japanese@nagara-gakuen.jp

Please feel free to contact us.

Fique à vontade para entrar em contato conosco.